Who we are
CNA, National Confederation of the Craft Sector and Small and Medium Enterprises, is ageneral, national and unifying system representing craft businesses and their entrepreneurs,small and medium sized enterprises and related associations. Non governamentalorganitation/private National CNA network has over 8,500 employees in more than 1,100 venues, of which 19 areregional and 96 are local, with around 700,000 associated members. CNA ABRUZZO, regional association of Smes, born on 1950, is a part of the nationalnetwork, 10,000 companies associated, 126 employees, 12 local offices, Competences: high experience on innovation internazionalitation and digitalitation, specialitation on tourism, fashion and energy sector; excellent capacity on creation of networks.About twenty years of experience in Smes activities.
Organisational structure and resources: CNA Abruzzo aims to provide value-added servicesthat help European Smes to enhance their competitiveness, sustainability and innovativecapacities to grow and do business in Europe and beyond. Over the last few years, CNAAbruzzo has acquired a remarkable experience on international project management, mostly interritorial cooperation programmes. (Our) staff: our team consists of experienced professionals in the management and coordinationof European projects, often with the help of high-skilled external collaborators; we have inteam a figures senior as manager with more than 20 years of experience in management andcoordination of european and international projects, experts on innovation with 15 years ofexperience in innovation and R&D, including implementation on EU project activities andexpert on administrative experience. Several external consultants specialized in innovation andblue economy, Startup, technology, knowledge transfer and know-how and Smes.
This is done under the supervision of the coordinator, Mr Mirco Mirabilio.
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Expertise in EU/International projects
2022:Erasmus+, EU-leadS Project “Promoting Self-leadership towards the sustainable growth ofEuropean SMEs”
2021:Edih -European Digital Innovation Hubs (DIGITAL-2021-EDIH-01) (waiting for)
2020:Programme Erasmus+, Project “ BEing in COntinuous INnovation and Growing”
2019:Interreg Med 2014-2020- CTE, Project Esmartcity “Enabling Smarter City in the MED Areathrough Networking”
2018:Interreg Med, Project Higher: “Better Policy Instruments for High Innovation Projects in the European Regions”
2018:Programme Ipa Adriatic, Project Hives “High-Level Innovation for a Value-Driven Exploitation ofa Joint S3 in The Adriatic Area”
2017:Interreg Med, Project Open Doors ” Co-operating network of creative communities for sharing andcollaborative economy”
2015:IPA Strategic Adriatic CBC Programme, Project Alterenergy ” Energy sustainability for AdriaticSmall community”
2014:Med Programme, Project Citek “Capitalization Initiative for the Innovation and Internationalizationof the Med economic and knowledge system”
2013:Med Programme, Project Wide “GroWing of SMEs: organizational and Development in Med area”
2008:Interreg III Programme, Project STARS “Structural Action to Relate SMEs”
2006:Interreg III B Cadses Programme, Project ENI “Experiment in Newcomer Integration”